Planets & Space

All sun & moon eclipses, planet transits & occultations


  2024 May:Total eclipse of the sun USA 4/24 2022 Dec:Occultation of Mars

2019 Nov: Mercury Transit  2018 July: Total moon eclipse 2017 Aug: Total eclipse of the sun

2016 May: Transit of Mercury 2015 Nov: Total Moon eclipse

2015 March: Total Solar Faroe Islands

Venustansit 2012 by Boeckel solar eclipse australia 2012
2012 June: Transit of Venus 2012 Nov: Total solar eclipse, Australia 2011 June: Total moon eclipse

2011 Jan: Partial Solar Eclipse

2008 Jan: Total solar eclipse, China

2008 May: Cover of  Mars by the moon

2007 June: Cover of Venus by the moon 2007 March: Eclipse of moon, Stromboli   2006 March: Total Eclipse, Turkey

 2005 Oct: Annular solar eclipse  2004 June: Transit of Venus       2004 May: eclipse of moon

2003 July: Transit of Mercury  2003 May: Annular and partial  2001 Nov: Cover of Saturn by the moon

      2004 May: Cover of Venus by the moon 2001 June: Sambia   2001 Jan: Eclipse of moon, Fuersty

 2000 Jan: Eclipse of moon, Bolzano  1999 Aug: Total in Europe

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 ©photos& text by Thorsten Boeckel (tb); ©photos& text by Martin Rietze (mr) ©photos Andreas Heidl (ah), last modification 11.25.2020

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