Polar Lights (Aurora Borealis)

10.October 2024, Weilheim in Obb, South Germany

Photographies by Thorsten Boeckel

 Despite of a dense cloud layer covering most of the southern part of Germany little cloud gaps opened partially for short times in South Bavaria. So I got the chance to become partially a whitness to this fascinating celestral light show. The impact arrived like predicted just in time at ca.15:00h UTC. The strongest phase took place  from 23:30h - 00.00h UTC with a KP Index of  8° * . It was not observable.

Polarlichter, Aurora Borealis 10.10. 2024, Bayern, Deutschland, Eurooe by Thorsten Boeckel

18:00h UTC near Rott. The gap in the clouds only lasted 5 minutes.

 olarlichter, Aurora Borealis 10.10. 2024, Bayern, Deutschland, Eurooe by Thorsten Boeckel  olarlichter, Aurora Borealis 10.10. 2024, Bayern, Deutschland, Eurooe by Thorsten Boeckel  olarlichter, Aurora Borealis 10.10. 2024, Bayern, Deutschland, Eurooe by Thorsten Boeckel

18:30h UTC Lustenau near Weilheim. A gap in the clouds lasted at least 20 minutes (KP-Index ca 8-)

olarlichter, Aurora Borealis 10.10. 2024, Bayern, Deutschland, Eurooe by Thorsten Boeckel  olarlichter, Aurora Borealis 10.10. 2024, Bayern, Deutschland, Eurooe by Thorsten Boeckel  olarlichter, Aurora Borealis 10.10. 2024, Bayern, Deutschland, Eurooe by Thorsten Boeckel

21:00h UTC: Directions A95 to Munich, Forstenrieder Wald, car park. Bright pink cloud gaps in the Munich sky. (KP-Index von ca 8°)

olarlichter, Aurora Borealis 10.10. 2024, Bayern, Deutschland, Eurooe by Thorsten Boeckel

00:30h UTC near Krumbach. A STEVE? Cloud gap lasted 20 minutes.(KP-Index von ca 8-)

Basics about sightings of Aurora Borealis also known as Northern- or polar lights, in middle latitudes

 KP index*: Roughly speaking, auroras can already be observed visually from KP 5-6 (G1/2 storm) in northern Germany. At KP 7/8 (G3/4 storm) or above also in southern Germany (Alps to southern Europe). Among other things, the density and speed of the flares or CME's (earth directed solar mass ejection forms) or corona holes are relevant parameters for the strength of the solar storms and visual sightings. But the Bz value which definite the north- south  alignment of the earth magnetic field ( May 2024, Bz -50nT ) is the most important factor. If this Bz value is to weak, the protons can't invade in the earth magnetic field. By the way, the glowing phenomenon is triggered by 'animated' oxygen and nitrogen atoms. Oxygen up to ~100 km shows greenish colors and from ~100-200 km red to orange.  Nitrogen atoms up  to ~300 km shows more seldom purple or blue colors.

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All Red Sprites & Auroras

Red Sprites 2107 by Th Boeckel


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          ©2024 photos by Thorsten Boeckel

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