Total moon eclipse 15-16th of June 2011

 Photographed in Penzing, South Bavaria


Yes, this tour was a dramatic action. At first we positioned ourself near the Bavarian Alps. Than a sudden rainfront forced the break off. At the end we drove nearly back and took position near Penzing in South Bavaria. When we saw the red moon disk after a long waiting time, it disappeared again after ten minutes because of a new cloud bank coming fast closer. Now the observation stopped  again. But between the gaps some funny moon eclipse unicates were orginated.

  Total moon eclipse 15th of June 2011, Photo       Total moon eclipse 15th of June 2011, Photo    Total moon eclipse 15th of June 2011, Photo

21.42: Attention: After a long waiting time the moon disk arosed out of the thick cloud layer. At the beginning the very dark moon was hard to see. The reason was, that the moon was passing the Earth shadow during this eclipse very centrical.

    Total moon eclipse 15th of June 2011, Photo    

The red moon

Total moon eclipse 15th of June 2011, Photo    Total moon eclipse 15th of June 2011, Photo    Total moon eclipse 15th of June 2011, Photo

The earth shadow is moving from the moon disk

Total moon eclipse 15th of June 2011, Photo    Total moon eclipse 15th of June 2011, Photo

     Total moon eclipse 15th of June 2011, Photo

Total moon eclipse 15th of June 2011, Photo    Total moon eclipse 15th of June 2011, Photo

Cloud gap photography

At 22.45 pm, because of a big thunderstorm this moon eclipse session was completly finished for us.

On the red moon chaos tour: M.Rietze, Th.Boeckel

Venustansit 2012 by Boeckelsolar eclipse australia 2012

All eclipses & occultations



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 ©2010 photos& text by Thorsten Boeckel (tb)

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